Bhagwan Mahavir Pashu Raksha Kendra
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Main : Bhagwan Mahavir Pashu Raksha Kendra is an organization established for the welfare of animals. The Anchorwala Ahinsha Dham situated at Kutch, Gujarat, India conducts such activities as providing shelter, medication and rehabilitation to Nature's helpless creatures.
Founded on the principles of non-violence, compassion, kindness & equality towards all living beings, the Institute provides a welcome refuge to the aged or infirm birds and animals many of who would otherwise have mutely awaited a terminally agonizing existence.
About US : A fulfillment of the dream conceived of by Shri. Damji Lalji Anchorwala and the vision of Shri. Jadhavji Ravji Gangar, Anchorwala Ahinsha Dham founded in 1990 is an ongoing commitment to the welfare of the innocent birds and animals. Located about an hour away from Gandhidham Railway Station, the Institute is situated at the Pragpur Road Junction of Mundra district in Kutch, Gujarat, India.
Registered under the Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950, all donations to the Bhagwan Mahavir Pashu Raksha Kendra are tax deductible in India. The Institute is a Member of the Animal Welfare Board of India, [Ministry of Environment & Forests ], the Gauseva Ayog of the Gujarat Government, and is also registered under the Foreign Contribution Regulation Act of 1976.
Animal Welfare
Medical Services : The Institute has its own well-equipped modern Veterinary Hospital and Operation Theatre, manned by a 33-strong dedicated staff who along with the three full-time Veterinary Surgeons available round-the-clock. As a means to provide on-the-spot treatment, the Institute mobilises its well-equipped Veterinary Ambulance whereby medical aid is readily available to alleviate trauma of those severely affected birds and animals.
Safe Haven : The birds and animals are kept in comfortable stalls housed in a variety of protective sheds. These custom-built sheds range from 5 individual sheds and the 6-shed cluster, constructed in a manner as to provide access to the natural environment. There is also a piece of land reserved behind these premises specifically chosen for free grazing and unbridled movement of the cattle inmates of the Institute.
Rehabilitation : Currently, maintenance and medical treatment has been provided to a varying assortment of birds and animals comprising handicapped, blind, orphaned, and apart from the cattle suffering from horn cancer. Based on this data alone one can well appreciate the expenditure being incurred towards fodder and medical care.
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Projects : The Institute has initiated the Anchorwala Ahinsha Dham Project in a step towards self-reliance. For this very purpose the land admeasuring 400 acres has been acquired. Land admeasuring 15 acres is in the process of being developed for the production of fodder on a large scale for the significant cattle inhabitants.
Anchorwala Nandi Sarovar - The "Anchorwala Nandi Sarovar" is a lake constructed by the Institute for the benefit of the animals of the region. Currently occupying an area of 35 acres and averaging a water depth of 15 feet, this water body is all set for expansion and landscaping activity has begun for extending this lake over an area comprising 100 acres as per the plans.
Animal Shelters - Sheds have been constructed to accommodate additional animals across the area of 8 acres. To supplement these there are some more sheds proposed to be constructed over an area of over 4 acres.
Afforestation - An area of 300 acres is allotted for the proposed plantation of trees. This is further split into smaller parcels of land measuring 4 acres each. One such section will be "Prince Paradise", the garden dedicated to the memory of the Late Shri. Gangji Shamji Chedda commending his instrumental role and invaluable contribution to the noble efforts of the Institute.
Exhibition Centre - A state-of-the-art Exhibition Hall for disseminating information and creating awareness on the issues of the environment and subjects such as "Animal Wealth - Backbone of Indian Economy" has been proposed and is in the offing.
R & D Centre - An R&D Centre is to be setup on 4 acres for carrying out research on the various species of plants, pesticides made from cow urine as also medicines derived from cow urine.
Gobar Gas Plant - The steady availability of cattle dung to be channeled as an alternative and renewable energy resource across an initial 4 acres is being explored.
Milestones : During the last 6 years, some 3000-odd were operated of which 1500 were suffering from severe diseases.
For the most part of recent years, the Institute has gained a spot as a major tourist attraction due to the remarkable work being done. There is a daily count of around 200 to 250 visitors who come to admire the activities of the Institute. Unerringly, they feel motivated and contribute by way of donations in an expression of sympathy for the innocent and helpless creatures and in appreciation of the work being carried out by the Institute.
The Institute's official mascot is "Gopal", the amazing bull that has made an impact not just on the Staff and visitors but also featured in the Limca Books of Records - 2002. Registering the largest pair of horns that measured 4.6 ft. each in length and 2.6 ft. at the base, and weighing in at an incredible 765 kgs! Unfortunately, Gopal's horns had to be removed by surgery on 21st August, 2002 to halt the suffering brought on by a life threatening horn disease.
The Institute was awarded a certificate by the Director of Voluntary Agencies, Dept. of Revenue, Ahmedabad 380 004, Gujarat, India for undertaking relief work following the colossal earthquake in Gujarat on Republic Day, January 2001. Though this calamity claimed countless lives, the Institute was fortunate in sustaining no damage and remained largely untouched.
Our gratitude to Nature did not go unexpressed. Assistance to the nearby villagers was extended by way of free food, shelter and medical treatment and the Institute maintained this vital activity for a period of around 2 months. Also, animals of other affected institutes were adopted.
Financial Assistance : Donations are sought to meet the expenses towards the objects of the Institute. The following table shows the expenditure incurred by the Institute [in INR] during the past three financial years……….
Items of Expenditure | 1999 - 2000 |
2000 - 2001 |
2001 - 2002 |
Cattle fodder |
22,77,955.00 |
31,53,556.00 |
51,13,703.00 |
Medical Treatment for the Inmates |
2,81,841.93 |
1,35,176.00 |
1,86,796.17 |
Transportation Charges |
3,61,271.00 |
5,85,142.00 |
5,98,578.00 |
Maintenance |
78,866.28 |
3,79,727.00 |
4,22,673.00 |
Administration |
6,29,856.33 |
7,04,019.93 |
9,80,006.00 |
Fundraising & other programmes |
1,80,748.87 |
2,11,290.00 |
7,44,076.00 |
Total |
38,10,539.78 |
51,68,910.93 |
80,45,832.59 |
Notes : 1.The sharp rise in the expenditure during 2000-2001 & 2001-2002 was due to increase in the no. of animals following the series of earthquake tremors on 1st January 2001.
2.These expenses are expected to further rise due to the steady escalation in the price of cattle food and also rise in the transportation charges.
Financial Assistance can from the well wishers by participation in one of the following schemes:
Provision for the Animal Shelters (Donor's name will be displayed permanently on the scroll at the site) | Rs. 2,51,000/- |
One acre of land (Donor's name to be displayed permanently at the site) | Rs. 51,000/- |
Supply of Medicine & fodder (Donor's name will feature permanently at the site) |
Rs. 25,555/- |
Towards one truck of Cattle Fodder |
Rs. 10,000/- |
Building for Staff Quarters (Donor's name will feature permanently at the building) | Rs. 5,51,000/- |
Mega Operation Theater (Donor's name will feature permanently at the Theater) | Rs. 5,51,000/ |
All donations are tax deductible in India under section 80-G of the Income Tax Act, 1961.
Formal recognition and official registration
* Regn. No. E - 12886 under the Bombay Public Trust Act, 1950.
FCRA Regn. No. - 083780847, Foreign Contributions Regulation Act, 1976.
AWBI recognition. No. GJ 142/2002 of the Animal Welfare Board of India.
Awareness Drive : Participate in the awareness drive by arranging local workshops and seminars and educate people about benefits of animals to the mankind.
Refrain from using products containing animal-derived substances : It is impossible to obtain any substance from the bodies of the animals without causing pain or harming them. They do not wish to part with their body materials readily. Animals sense such impending intrusions and immediately seek to flee. Therefore, it is very unlikely that any substance that has been derived from an animal was derived without using force upon it and without drawing any protests from it. For example, to obtain milk we inflict the pain of starvation or undernourishment on the calf [the rightful owner of the milk] which is forcibly tied away from the cow, its mother; to obtain wool we impose the discomfort of insufficient insulation upon the sheep [Nature's intended user of the wool] which is forcibly held while being sheared; to obtain honey [the bees' food] we steal it by smoking the bees out of their hives. Thus, unsolicited and usually painful intrusion and imposition is made by humans upon animals every time we obtain any substance from them.
Refrain from Products tested on animals : New chemicals produced in laboratories are required to be tested on animals for their unknown and possibly adverse effects upon humans. However, it has been observed in many cases that the same substance has had dramatically different reactions on humans and animals. Then why do companies test on animals at all?
Refrain from Products whose manufacture or packaging involves infliction of cruelty upon animals : For example, a crucial material, ox gut, used in the manufacture of silver leaf or "warak" [edible foil] for garnishing needs to be obtained from a slaughtered animal.
Refrain from Products of genetically manipulated animals : The milk we buy might very likely be the result of experiments performed upon animals in any of the breeding laboratories that the Government supports. The material benefit of this research is indirectly supported by, the consumers, who purchase the products. While indirectly supporting such research, do any of us think about how it must feel to have our bodies altered so that we grow twice as fast or to have other creatures' hormones in our blood ?
Fundraising Drive : You can in your individual capacity further intensify the campaign and help to attain our goals by securing donations for the noble cause of animal welfare.
Contact Us Site : Pragpur Road, Junction, Taluka-Mundra, Kutch, Gujarat, Tele : (02838) 222352
Office : 5, Gurukrupa Apt., Kasturba Cross Road No. 1, Borivali (E), Mumbai-66
Tele : (022) 28627795, 28658266
E-Mail :, Website :
Mail to : Ahimsa Foundation