
Banpur Jain Tirth - Uttar Pradesh



Shri Digambar Jain Atishaya Kshetra Banpur was the capital of Banasur. Banpur has several Jain temples which are more than 1000 years old. A standing idol of Lord Shantinath (The 16th Teerthankar) 18 feet in height can be seen here. Two standing idols of Lord Kunthunath and Arahnath 7 feet in height are also installed by the sides of Shantinath. A Sahastrakoot Chaityalaya of 10th century A. D. is also here. Main temple of Lord Shantinath is on 18 feet high colossus in standing posture. Second is Lord Mahavir's temple consists a attractive 1000 years old idol of Lord Mahaveer.

At Banpur a fair is organized every year in the beginning of March. Staying facilities consists of 5 Rooms and 1 Hall, with separate toilets facility.

To reach by Road, Buses, Taxi and Jeeps are available from Lalitpur, Maharoni & Teekamgarh frequently. Nearby important places are Aharji, Papouraji, Drongiri, Nainagiri, Khajuraho.




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